Advertising Options

Option 1 - Directory Text Link (Reciprocal Link Required): Free

We welcome all garden and outdoor type business to our directory. We only ask that you include a link back to us from your site in return. Click here and follow the instructions.

Option 2 - Directory Text Link (No Reciprocal Link Required): £20/year

Submit your site to our directory and have it accepted within 48hours. No Reciprocal Link Required.

Once the payment is made, please note the Paypal Transaction ID and send an email with the following details to HERE

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Category: (Feel free to suggest a new one)
Title: (also known as anchor text)

Option 3 - Home Page Text Link (No Reciprocal Link Required): £150/year

A text link for your site containing a maximum of 4 words placed directly on the home page in the left column.

Once the payment is made, please note the Paypal Transaction ID and send an email with the following details to HERE

Email Address:
Paypal Transaction ID:
Category: (Feel free to suggest a new one)
Title: (also known as anchor text)

Option 4 - Prominent Garden Favourites 64px x 64px image box (No Reciprocal Link Required): £300/year

For elite listings only. The most prominent place on the website, it is positioned in the top left column and appears on every single page of the site. You can design the image to display in the box yourself or we can do it for you for no extra cost. Join the best names in the industry on our 9 box hall of fame.

Once the payment is made, please note the Paypal Transaction ID and send an email with the following details to HERE

Email Address:
Paypal Transaction ID:
Category: (Feel free to suggest a new one)
Title: (also known as anchor text)

Garden Favourites

  • Faraway Furniture

Gardening News

Jan 2010Headline

The National Trust is putting the finishing touches to a new garden at its headquarters at Heelis in Swindon...
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